Sunday, November 13, 2011

The dead-tossed waves

by Carrie Ryan

Gabry, Catcher and Cira all grew up together in the town of Vista.  Catcher and Cira were siblings and Gabry was their friend.  She lived in the lighthouse with her mother, Mary.  Mary had come to Vista after leaving the forest over twenty years ago.  She left behind everyone.  She actually thought they all died that day she left to go searching for the ocean.  Mary found Gabry in the forest of hands and teeth one day and brought her home to the lighthouse.  Gabry didn't even know her name.  She never knew that Mary wasn't her mother.
Gabry, Catcher and Cass along with more friends went outside the barriers to the old amusement park.  While there, an infected Mudo found them and bit several of them, Catcher being one of them.   He ran off and the rest of them were caught by the Recruiters who enforce justice on those who disobey the rules.  Cira was among those who were caught.  Gabry had run away after Catcher was bitten.  Gabry goes home and talks to her mother.  Mary tells her that she isn't her real mother and Gabry decides to leave home.  She wants to find Catcher.
Mary, after telling Gabry about her life, decides to go back to the forest.  Her life here has no meaning because of all that she had left behind.  Did all her friends die?  Was she the only one left?  She had to find out.  Meanwhile, Gabry finds Catcher with the help of Elias, a souler who helped her get away from the Mudo.  They spring Cira from jail and run into the forest.  By now the recruiters know that Catcher is immune to the Mudo.  They chase him into the forest and don't let up. Gabry finds Mary and Harry (her old boy friend) and they all run from the mob of recruiters. Cira is dying so she runs into the forest so the Mudo can find her.  Mary, Harry and Elias are caught by the recruiters, but Catcher and Gabry get away.  They go on to search for the Dark City and Annah.

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