Sunday, July 1, 2012

April and Emse: Tooth Fairies

Graham, Bob. (2010).  April and Esme: Tooth Fairies. Somerville, Mass.: Candlewick Press.

April and Esme are  young fairies.  Their parents have been tooth fairies since they were just a little older than the two young girls.  They live in a very small house in a very large field next to a very congested highway.  The house has teeth hanging from the ceiling, all those collected by April and Esme's parents.  The action begins the day that they get their first assignment to rescue a tooth.  Their parents are worried that they have not had enough training and will be seen or caught.  They also have to cross that very busy highway to get there, but fairies fly so that shouldn't be a problem.  They also have to carry a large coin to put in place of the tooth.  They set out on their mission.
When they get there, they come across their most dangerous problem.  The tooth has been placed in a glass of water beside the boy's bed.  It is a good thing that one of the little fairies can swim.  They almost get caught in their actions by the boy, but get away unnoticed.  They make it safely back home to the joy of their parents and they lived happily ever after.

Stories like this are delightful to read to young children.  The pictures are beautiful and the tale is just right for Pre-K thru 1st grade.  After reading to the first grade students, I allowed the teacher to take it to the classroom for the students to enjoy.

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